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Welcome to CrimsonClover SA

Who we are:
I am Nicky, Mum to fraternal Girl/Boy twins Kiera and Luke. I operate a home-based business in South Africa. I handmake small batches of soaps, bath and body products with a helping hand from my husband Stuart. I started my business when my daughter developed severe eczema and I needed a soap that was chemical-free and as natural as possible with healing properties for her damaged skin.
After completing an online aromatherapy course and soap making course, I started to make small amounts of soap for Kiera and Luke to bath with.
It all started with wooden box moulds in my kitchen making crudely produced and cut soaps.
Our soaps are made from locally sourced, high quality oils, with added essential oils and organic herbs and spices.
Our products are made from the purest ingredients and the bulk of herbs come out of my growing herb garden which are hand dried and infused by me. The spices used in the soaps are ground by hand and sourced locally, the essential oils used are locally produced and sourced.
CrimsonClover SA products are Vegan and Vegetarian friendly.
Each bar of soap or shampoo is cut, cured and wrapped by hand in waxed recycled paper with environmentally friendly labels attached.
The soap is then gently stored for sale.
Our packaging is all recyclable and reusable. We strive to supply zero-waste packing.We proudly handmake chemical and plastic-free, zero-waste, bath and body products.